Transmission details: The lecture “Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, Community” was held by the artist and sound theorist Brandon Labelle, in the spaces of Errant Bodies, Berlin, as part of the Creative Europe project Radio That Matters project. His words drawn the trajectories and the political implications of sound between Acoustic Justice and the right to listen, and be listened. Labelle focuses his attention on what we can or cannot listen to, revealing what manifests itself beyond the boundaries imposed by ‘regimes of aurality’, operating under the radar.
La lecture “Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, Community”, dell’artista e teorico del suono Brandon Labelle, si è tenuta negli spazi di Errant Bodies, Berlino, nell’ambito del progetto Creative Europe Radio That Matters. Le sue parole disegnando traiettorie e implicazioni politiche del suono, tra Giustizia Acustica, diritto all’ascolto e ad essere ascoltati. Labelle interroga ciò che possiamo o non possiamo ascoltare, rivelando quanto si manifesta al di là dei confini imposti da «regimi di auralità», operando sottotraccia.
Credits: Text and voice: Brandon Labelle
Introduction to the full lecture by Piersandra Di Matteo